Mariana Reis Holistic Nutrition

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How to make healthy choices during the Holidays?

Every year is the same. We try our best to stay healthy. We workout, try different diets and do more home cooking. However, when the holidays season approaches is like all of our efforts go through the drains. It is almost impossible to resist all of that abundance of fatty, comforting food. And why should you?

We think that eating is something that should have rules and restrains. But I believe eating should be fun. Cooking is an art of its own, and you can get very creative, specially around this time of the year. And, please, allow yourself to indulge in those yummy holidays treats you love. And if you really enjoy grandmas casserole, go for it! It is that time of the year.

In this article I want to share some tips with you on how to have fun during the holidays season, while making healthier choices.

Search for inspiration

The internet is full of great resources when it comes to food, so use it. Even if you are not vegetarian or vegan, look for vegan alternatives for some classic Christmas dishes. The vegan options are loaded with vegetables, are lower in saturated fats (as they are not made with cream, butter or cheese) and you will be surprised on how delicious they are. Believe me, veggies can be fun too!

What’s for dessert?

Load on fruits. I know that you may be craving that big slice of pie, but if you have a bowl of fruits right after dinner as dessert you may be surprised that you actually do not have as much extra room for that pie slice since you have satisfied your cravings for sugar with all that sweet, yummy bowl of fruits. And if you still feel like having that pie anyway, go for it, you may find out that one slice will be enough.

Here are some recipes you should try!

Order from healthy conscious restaurants

If cooking is not your thing. Or if cooking vegetarian dishes still scares you, don’t give up. There are a lot of new vegan, vegetarian and farm-to-table restaurants that are more health conscious and are offering special Christmas menu option to order. Here are a few of my favorite on the Vancouver area doing an amazing job on that front!

I hope this guide can help you satiate your cravings while staying (somewhat) healthy during this season. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun. We don’t need to go all bunkers if that will make us feel guilt afterwards, but we need to allow ourselves to have fun and feel good about it. It is all about finding that balance. Marry Christmas!